Sunday, April 19, 2009

top 5 things i'll miss about a tour bus

Well, although my touring days are far from over, it looks like my busing days have come to an end for now.  So as an  easy transition back into me updating my blog and a farwell to the "rock and worship roadshow"  here is my top 5 things that will be missed.

1. Direct tv  
2. my bunk tv that goes from the top of the bunk pretty much to my stomach, suckers huge! 
3. 3 meals a day where all i have to do is show up and eat, no cooking involved!
4. about 10-18,500 people always around to keep me from getting bored!
5. seriously, the entire bus is nicer than my house...i don't want to go home!!!

hopefully i'll stop being a bum and actually up date this regularly.  I'm sorry, let's talk again soon!

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