Monday, September 7, 2009

well hello again...

hello world...
alright, it's been far to long and i apologize but ive been busy...kinda.
So i guess i'll ease my way back in by giving a quick update on my life. I work for Thousand Foot Krutch as their Merchandise Manager and they have a new record coming out tomorrow, go get it on iTunes. Our tour starts in exactly a week and i have the honor of playing bass for FM Static who will be opening the tour (, I feel blessed to be a part of this and really am beside myself at the opportunity. It's a hard thing to act confident and not jump around and scream like a little girl with excitement!
I've been playing a lot of golf this summer and have had a personal best of 4 over. For those of you who know me very well you know how much i love golf and was super excited about this. I think i'm gonna play again tomorrow, so lets hope for another awesome round!
The summer has been really incredible, i've been to canada 3 times, alaska twice, maine, PA and everywhere in between. I keep having these moments every now and again and just think wow, I'm doing it. It's crazy!
Alright, it's gonna be a short one but i just wanted to give a quick update to try to get myself and you back into checking in and saying hi!


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